Please read through these common questions before emailing in:-

Q:-Has my order shipped?
A:-We will ship all orders as fast as we can, delivery days can be extra busy so allow additional days for these orders to ship. You will also have an email from us and the courier to advise when an order has shipped.
Q:-Can I cancel my order?
A:-Yes, if it was an in stock order we may not see your email before it ships so please call 01603 488677. If it is a pre-order where none of the items have arrived please use the info on your Purple Dot email to cancel, if one or more of the items have arrived then email us the order number to cancel.
Q:- Can I pay a pre-order early?
A:- No, sorry.
Q:- When is item "XYZ" arriving?
A:-We do keep updating arrival dates as we get the info, this can be seen on the product page (sadly this info does not update from your original order and if the item is pre-sold out the info disappears)
Q:-Can I split or part cancel a pre-order or order?
A:- No sorry we cannot split orders, amend, or part cancel. Q:-Can I add an item or remove an item from an in stock order?
A:- No sorry we cannot amend orders once placed only cancel in full.

Find us here.

18 Murrayfield Rd, Norwich NR6 6NQ
01603 488677
